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Our Story

About Georgia Vocational Solutions

Imagine for a moment making a mistake in your life, pretty simple right? Now imagine that because of that mistake you now have 38,000 letters of legislature all saying that you should not be forgiven for that mistake. Furthermore, that mistake will now impede your ability to find a place to live, find work, support yourself, and your family. You’ll forever wear a scarlet letter, people will look down upon you, and you will be stigmatized as a major problem in your community. This is where the story of Georgia Vocational Solutions begins.

Georgia Vocational Solutions was started out of a critical need to help the person you just imagined. The State of Georgia’s criminal justice system ranks highest among the United States’ national average of prisoners per capita. Its recidivism rate (recidivism meaning the likelihood a person will recede to crime and return to jail or prison) reaches a nearly 50% rate.  

There are many factors that will send a person back to jail, the highest factor being technical violations like the inability to pay child support, the inability to obtain a new driver’s license to drive on Georgian roads, and most common the inability to find employment (generally within a 60 day timeframe). These systematic problems and factors cause more disparity and thus more crime in our neighborhoods and communities. 

In 2020, Georgia Vocational Solutions was created as a passion project of a Mr. Tony Griffin Sr. which has became a state-wide solution for lawmakers and community members alike. Through this program, whose enrollment numbers continue to grow exponentially, has provided employment opportunities, and give its registrants the skills and necessary job readiness knowledge for success.  We serve people across the Metro-Atlanta area and continue to grow our employer network through its Job Path Network.

Our hope is to continue to provide state-of-the-art vocational training across Georgia and provide a greater sense of hope that many residents have lost. 

Georgia Vocational Solutions

Welcome to Georgia Vocational Solutions #GVS

Here at GVS our sole focus is to train, employ, and empower disadvantaged workers by providing state-of-the-art vocational skills training and job readiness education for the purpose of aiding them in obtaining a livable wage job.

We pride ourselves on our job placement strategies and network that have provided training and employment opportunities for countless people across Georgia’s various counties. We do this for the sole purpose of reducing recidivism in our communities and helping to individuals to sustain themselves through proper employment. We do this by incorporating:

State-of-the-art Training
Job Readiness Resources
Job Placement Services
Family Services

GVS Day Job Fair Attendees

Jobs Placed for Prior Convicted Individuals

Jobs Placed for Veterans

Why Choose Us

You could be our next success story

Georgia Vocational Solutions continually defies the odds every week. With the growing stigma that society has on people who have made mistakes in their lives, we have been able to train and find employment opportunities for our students. 

"Great experience with Georgia Vocational Solutions. Exceptional professional and very knowledgeable on resources and a vast number of amazing employment opportunities!!! Highly recommended from my own personal experience. You won’t regret their services."

Tenisha Phillips 

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Our partners across Metro-Atlanta enable us to expand our reach. We’ve partnered with several eager second chance and veteran friendly employers to find great job opportunities for our local residents. 

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Our Team

Meet Our Team

Meet our great list of board members and staff. 

Tony Griffin

Founder and President

Victoria Harrison


Kristian Lyttle


A Monique Johnson

Dean of Student Success

Charese Griffin

Curriculum Development Director

TJ Griffin

Communications and External Affairs Director

Kim Griffin

Family & Alumni Outreach Coordinator

Julian Hill

Board Member